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API General Info

The Secure Web APIs are designed to allow client applications to view and update data using the HTTPS(rest) and WSS(websocket) protocol over the internet. The purpose of this document is to provide the urls and the specification of the messages communicated through Web APIs.

Message Format

All messages are in json format.

Message Field Types

Type Description
Integer Integer numbers
Long Long numbers
Boolean True/False
DoubleString Decimal numbers are returned as strings to preserve full precision across platforms
Enum Enum definition. Passing invalid enum values will result in API_BAD_REQUEST error
String Text


Unless otherwise specified, all timestamps returned from API are milliseconds since UNIX Epoch.

Mandatory Field Indicators

Indicator Description
M Mandatory field
(M) Mandatory field under certain conditions
O Optional field

REST API General Info

Base Url and Message Format

All requests and responses use application/json content type. Responses follow HTTP response status codes to indicate the success and the failure.

Success/Error Response

Successful http response contains HTTP status code 200 and an optional body. If the response contains the body, the fields within the body are documented in each related API sections. Failed http response contains non 200 HTTP status code and the body with an errorCode field to indicate the cause of the failures.

Error Response Fields

Name Type Mandatory Description
errorCode String M Error code. e.g.INVALID_PASSWORD
errorData String O Additional information on the user data that may cause the error. Data is provided in json format.

Error Codes


If an error occurs during the processing of an API request, the API will return an error to the caller. The general flow of information to check is:

HTTP Status Codes:

Status Code Description
400 - Bad Request The request was wrong, often due to a missing or invalid parameter. See the error code and response data for more details.
401 - Unauthorized The request failed to authenticate (example: a valid api key was not included in your request header)
403 - Forbidden The provided api key is not authorized to perform the requested operation (example: attempting to trade with an api key not authorized to make trades)
404 - Not Found The requested resource does not exist.
409 - Conflict The request parameters were valid but the request failed due to an operational error. (example: EXCEED_BALANCE)
429 - Too Many Requests Too many requests hit the API too quickly. Please take a break to relieve the pressure on your fingers.
500 - Internal Server Error The server encountered an error and was unable to complete the request.
502 - Bad Gateway The server received an invalid response from the upstream server.
503 - Service Unavailable The request parameters were valid but the request failed because the service is temporarily unavailable.


Pagination is supported for all REST calls that return arrays. The newest items are returned by default.

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
pageNumber Integer O Default to 1
pageSize Integer O Default to 100

Example: GET api/orders?pageNumber=1&pageSize=100

Rate Limits

Websocket API General Info


All messages sent and received through websocket are encoded in JSON format. All messages have a type attribute that can be used to handle the message.

Failures will cause an error message to be emitted with errorCode.

Error Response Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type error M Error message type
userMessageId Integer (M) Mandatory if userMessageId is provided in the user request
errorCode String M Error code

REST Public

All Instruments

curl ""
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"GET", "", true);

Sample response:

        "instrumentType": "SPOT",
        "minOrderPrice": "0.00001",
        "minOrderSize": "0.001",
        "instrumentId": "ETH-BTC",
        "lotSize": "0.001",
        "maxOrderSize": "100000",
        "assetId": "ETH",
        "quoteAssetId": "BTC",
        "tickSize": "0.00001",
        "maxOrderPrice": "100000"

Http request


PATH: /api/instruments

Success Response Body Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
instrumentId String M e.g. BTC-USD
assetId String M e.g. BTC
quoteAssetId String M e.g. USD
instrumentType Enum M
tickSize DoubleString M price increment
lotSize DoubleString M size increment
minOrderPrice DoubleString M
maxOrderPrice DoubleString M
minOrderSize DoubleString M
maxOrderSize DoubleString M
expiry Long (M) Mandatory for FUTURES instrument
underlying String (M) Mandatory for FUTURES instrument
contractMultiplier Integer (M) Mandatory for FUTURES instrument

Order Book

curl ""
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"GET", "", true);

Sample response:

    "sequence": "0",
    "lastModifiedTime": 1545990730713,
    "level": 1,
    "instrumentId": "ETH-BTC",
    "asks": [
            "size": "6.348",
            "price": "0.03227",
            "numOfOrders": 1
    "bids": [
            "size": "1.268",
            "price": "0.03226",
            "numOfOrders": 1

Weight: 5

Http request


PATH: /api/orderbooks/{instrumentId}

Request Parameters

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
level Integer M 1 - top bid and ask; 2 - order book; 3 - full order level book

Success Response Body Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
instrumentId String M
lastModifiedTime Long M
bookLevel Integer M 1/2/3
sequence Long M
bids Array of [price, size, numOfOrders/orderId] M Level 1 - This is one sized array;Level 2 - The aggregated size for each price level is returned with numOfOrders count for the price;Level 3 - The order level information is returned
asks Array of [price, size, numOfOrders/orderId] M Level 1 - This is one sized array;Level 2 - The aggregated size for each price level is returned with numOfOrders count for the price;Level 3 - The order level information is returned


curl ""
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"GET", "", true);

Sample response:

        "side": "BUY",
        "size": "0.01",
        "instrumentId": "ETH-BTC",
        "price": "0.0323",
        "createdTime": 1545991656158,
        "tradeId": "448679"
        "side": "BUY",
        "size": "0.01",
        "instrumentId": "ETH-BTC",
        "price": "0.0323",
        "createdTime": 1545991656146,
        "tradeId": "448678"
        "side": "BUY",
        "size": "0.01",
        "instrumentId": "ETH-BTC",
        "price": "0.0323",
        "createdTime": 1545991656133,
        "tradeId": "448677"
        "side": "BUY",
        "size": "0.01",
        "instrumentId": "ETH-BTC",
        "price": "0.0323",
        "createdTime": 1545991656121,
        "tradeId": "448676"

Returns most recent trades in an array.

Http request


PATH: /api/trades/{instrumentId}

Success Response Body Array Json Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
instrumentId String M
createdTime Long M
tradeId String M
price DoubleString M
size DoubleString M
side Enum M


curl ""
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"GET", "", true);

Sample response:

    "24hLow": "0.03146",
    "24hVolume": "5514.332",
    "lastModifiedTime": 1545990354807,
    "bestAsk": "0.03249",
    "instrumentId": "ETH-BTC",
    "24hHigh": "0.0334",
    "24hChange": "-0.00083",
    "lastPrice": "0.03248",
    "bestBid": "0.03248"

Http request


PATH: /api/tickers/{instrumentId}

Success Response Body Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
instrumentId String M e.g. "ETH-BTC"
lastModifiedTime Long M
lastPrice DoubleString M
bestBid DoubleString M
bestAsk DoubleString M
24hHigh DoubleString M
24hLow DoubleString M
24hVolume DoubleString M
24hChange DoubleString M

All Tickers

curl ""
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"GET", "", true);

Sample response:

        "24hLow": "0.03146",
        "24hVolume": "5514.332",
        "lastModifiedTime": 1545990442807,
        "bestAsk": "0.03249",
        "instrumentId": "ETH-BTC",
        "24hHigh": "0.0334",
        "24hChange": "-0.00083",
        "lastPrice": "0.03248",
        "bestBid": "0.03248"

Http request


PATH: /api/tickers

Success Response Body Array Json Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
instrumentId String M e.g. "ETH-BTC"
lastModifiedTime Long M
lastPrice DoubleString M
bestBid DoubleString M
bestAsk DoubleString M
24hHigh DoubleString M
24hLow DoubleString M
24hVolume DoubleString M
24hChange DoubleString M


curl ""
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"GET", "", true);

Sample response:

        "volume": "1.030",
        "high": "0.03234",
        "low": "0.03228",
        "openPrice": "0.03234",
        "startTime": 1545993300000,
        "closePrice": "0.03228"
        "volume": "14.723",
        "high": "0.03235",
        "low": "0.03225",
        "openPrice": "0.03225",
        "startTime": 1545993000000,
        "closePrice": "0.03234"
        "volume": "3.630",
        "high": "0.03234",
        "low": "0.03222",
        "openPrice": "0.03234",
        "startTime": 1545992700000,
        "closePrice": "0.03223"

It returns an array of data point stats.

Http request


PATH: /api/charts/{instrumentId}

Request Parameters

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
startTime Long M Milliseconds since Unix Epoch
endTime Long O Milliseconds since Unix Epoch
interval Integer M In seconds; 60/300/900/3600/21600/86400;The combination of startTime, endTime and granularity determines how many data points obtained. The maximum supported number of data points is xxx

Success Response Body Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
lastModifiedTime Long O
startTime Long M
endTime Long M
openPrice String M
closePrice String M
low String M
high String M
volume String M


curl ""
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"GET", "", true);

Sample response:

    "time": 1545994698933

It returns the server time in milliseconds since Unix Epoch

Http request


PATH: /api/time

REST Private


All requests to authenticated endpoints require authentication by providing API key, signature, timestamp and passcode.


Before being able to send any requests, you must create API key via the exchange website. Upon creation, you will be provided:

API Key Permissions

You can restrict the functionality of API keys.

Sending a Request

//Code for generate API-SIGN

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import java.util.Base64;

public class ApiSignGenerator {

    public static String generateApiSign(long timestamp, String method, String path, String apiSecret) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException {
        String algorithm = "HmacSHA256";
        String message = timestamp + (method == null ? "" : method.toUpperCase()) + (path == null ? "" : path);
        byte[] encodedSecret = Base64.getEncoder().encode(apiSecret.getBytes());
        SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(encodedSecret, algorithm);
        Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(algorithm);
        byte[] bytes = mac.doFinal(message.getBytes());
        return new String(Hex.encodeHex(bytes));

    // If you want sent request to "", you can generate sign by doing this:
    public static void getAccounts() throws InvalidKeyException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
        long timestamp = 1553596255786L; // System.currentTimeMillis();
        String method = "GET";
        String path = "/api/accounts";
        String apiSecret = "NCtRU0JwZWZnVFVDZmlMRFduMk1hTFZDM05vS3g1Z3E1c1h6blB0RmxXRT0=";
        String apiSign = generateApiSign(timestamp, method, path, apiSecret);
        System.out.println("apiSign:" + apiSign);
        // The console will print:"apiSign:e4c8f42e18b551dcebd5801bfa254498e98d20e0a5322b30c78a7004aa5a2669"

//Code for generate API-SIGN

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    function generateApiSign(timestamp, method, path, apiSecret) {
        var message = timestamp + method + path;
        var encodedSecret = window.btoa(apiSecret);
        return CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(message, encodedSecret).toString();

    // If you want sent request to "", you can generate sign by doing this:
    function getAccounts() {
        var timestamp = 1553596255786;//new Data().getMilliseconds();
        var method = "GET";
        var path = "/api/accounts";
        var apiSecret = "NCtRU0JwZWZnVFVDZmlMRFduMk1hTFZDM05vS3g1Z3E1c1h6blB0RmxXRT0=";
        var apiSign = generateApiSign(timestamp, method, path, apiSecret);"apiSign:" + apiSign);
        // The console will print:"apiSign:e4c8f42e18b551dcebd5801bfa254498e98d20e0a5322b30c78a7004aa5a2669"


All requests must contain the following headers:

The timestamp must be within 5 seconds of the serve time or your request will be considered expired and rejected. To change 5 seconds expiry time, you could set the optional field API-EXPIRY in header with a number in seconds. Please use /time endpoint to query for the server time if you believe there many be time skew between your server and our servers.

Place An Order

curl ""
-H "API-KEY: e4bdaf100dd50233dbe1b095337f30b6"
-H "API-SIGN: 105f2f99fd52b2c32455f1a4f32534a907005a729e606fc75b3867c94d8203a5"
-H "API-TIMESTAMP: 1546065657543"
-H "API-PASSCODE: apiPassphrase1"
-H "Content-Type:application/json"
-d '{"postOnly":true,"orderType":"LIMIT","side":"SELL","size":"0.1","instrumentId":"ETH-BTC","price":"0.0328","timeInForce":"GTC"}'
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"POST", "", true);
    var data = '{"postOnly":true,"orderType":"LIMIT","side":"SELL","size":"0.1","instrumentId":"ETH-BTC","price":"0.0328","timeInForce":"GTC"}';

Sample response:

  "orderId": "fb2b1b09-56ff-4c37-9f59-4170c55f2364",
  "clientOrderId": "",
  "timestamp": 1546056658895

Http request


PATH: /api/orders

Request Parameters:

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
instrumentId String M
orderType Enum M
price DoubleString (M) Mandatory in LIMIT order
size DoubleString (M) Mandatory in LIMIT order; Mandatory in MARKET order if quoteAmount is not provided
quoteAmount DoubleString (M) Amount in quote asset term. Mandatory in MARKET order if size is not provided
side Enum M
timeInForce Enum O Default to GTC for LIMIT orders
clientOrderId String O Provided by user
stopType Enum O Only used in stop orders
stopPrice NumberString (M) Mandatory if stopType is specified
postOnly Boolean O Default to false. If any part of the order results in taking liquidity, the order will be rejected and no part of it will execute.
selfTradePrevention Enum O Default to CO - cancel the oldest
orderRouting Boolean O Default to false.

Mandatory fields based on order type:

orderType Mandatory Fields
LIMIT price, size
MARKET size or quoteAmount
STOP_ENTRY quoteAmount(buy order), stopPrice
STOP_ENTRY_LIMIT price, size, stopPrice
STOP_LOSS size(sell order), stopPrice
STOP_LOSS_LIMIT price, size, stopPrice

Success Response Body Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
clientOrderId String (M) Mandatory if clientOrderId is provided by the user
orderId String M System generated unique order id
timestamp Long M Time when the order is accepted with order status of PENDING_NEW

Cancel An Order

curl ""
-H "API-KEY: e4bdaf100dd50233dbe1b095337f30b6"
-H "API-SIGN: 105f2f99fd52b2c32455f1a4f32534a907005a729e606fc75b3867c94d8203a5"
-H "API-TIMESTAMP: 1546065657543"
-H "API-PASSCODE: apiPassphrase1"
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"DELETE", "", true);

Sample response:

  "orderId": "3071ede3-20ab-4b9e-a6eb-9d56e61e4165",
  "timestamp": 1546056658895

Http request


PATH: /api/orders/{orderId}

Success Response Body Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
orderId String M
timestamp Long M When the cancel is accepted and order status is updated to PENDING_CANCEL

Cancel All Order

curl ""
-H "API-KEY: e4bdaf100dd50233dbe1b095337f30b6"
-H "API-SIGN: 105f2f99fd52b2c32455f1a4f32534a907005a729e606fc75b3867c94d8203a5"
-H "API-TIMESTAMP: 1546065657543"
-H "API-PASSCODE: apiPassphrase1"
-H "Content-Type:application/json"
-d '{"instrumentId":"ETH-BTC"}'
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"DELETE", "", true);
    var data = '{"instrumentId":"ETH-BTC"}';

Sample response:

  "orderIds": [

This is to cancel all open orders with best effort.

Http request


PATH: /api/orders

Request Parameters

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
instrumentId String O Cancel all orders for the specified instrument. Default to cancel orders under all instruments

Success Response Body Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
orderIds Array of Strings M Orders that are being cancelled in the system

Get Open Orders

curl ""
-H "API-KEY: e4bdaf100dd50233dbe1b095337f30b6"
-H "API-SIGN: 105f2f99fd52b2c32455f1a4f32534a907005a729e606fc75b3867c94d8203a5"
-H "API-TIMESTAMP: 1546065657543"
-H "API-PASSCODE: apiPassphrase1"
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"GET", "", true);

Sample response:

  "records": [
      "selfTradePrevention": "CO",
      "orderType": "LIMIT",
      "side": "BUY",
      "lastModifiedTime": 1545718675960,
      "orderId": "180eaf73-19ea-4f5e-ae72-c7f5e5f16362",
      "instrumentId": "ETH-BTC",
      "fee": "0",
      "clientOrderId": "",
      "orderStatus": "NEW",
      "totalExecutedAmount": "0",
      "totalExecutedSize": "0",
      "postOnly": false,
      "stopPrice": "0",
      "size": "0.3",
      "price": "0.03228",
      "createdTime": 1545718675958,
      "timeInForce": "GTC"
  "count": 1,
  "totalCount": 1

Returns an array of open orders; Pagination is supported. Data is returned in descending order of lastModifiedTime. Newest modified orders first, oldest last.

Http request


PATH: /api/orders

Request Parameters

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
instrumentId String O If not provided, orders for all symbols are returned
pageNumber Integer O If not provided, it will use default page number
pageSize Integer O If not provided, it will use default page size

Success Response Body Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
totalCount Integer M
records Array of orders M
count Integer M

Record Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
orderId String M
lastModifiedTime Long M last update time on this order
instrumentId String M
orderType Enum M
price DoubleString M
size DoubleString M
side Enum M
timeInForce Enum M
createdTime Long M When the order was accepted
stopPrice DoubleString O
orderStatus Enum M
totalExecutedAmount DoubleString O
totalExecutedSize DoubleString O
selfTradePrevention Enum M
clientOrderId String O
fee DoubleString O

Get All Orders

curl ""
-H "API-KEY: e4bdaf100dd50233dbe1b095337f30b6"
-H "API-SIGN: 105f2f99fd52b2c32455f1a4f32534a907005a729e606fc75b3867c94d8203a5"
-H "API-TIMESTAMP: 1546065657543"
-H "API-PASSCODE: apiPassphrase1"
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"GET", "", true);

Sample response:

  "records": [
      "selfTradePrevention": "CO",
      "orderType": "LIMIT",
      "side": "BUY",
      "lastModifiedTime": 1545718675960,
      "orderId": "180eaf73-19ea-4f5e-ae72-c7f5e5f16362",
      "instrumentId": "ETH-BTC",
      "fee": "0",
      "clientOrderId": "",
      "orderStatus": "NEW",
      "totalExecutedAmount": "0",
      "totalExecutedSize": "0",
      "postOnly": false,
      "stopPrice": "0",
      "size": "0.3",
      "price": "0.03328",
      "createdTime": 1545718675958,
      "timeInForce": "GTC"
      "selfTradePrevention": "CO",
      "orderType": "LIMIT",
      "side": "SELL",
      "lastModifiedTime": 1545719695499,
      "orderId": "99b1b4b3-aa0d-493f-b8b4-40d381916686",
      "instrumentId": "ETH-BTC",
      "fee": "0",
      "clientOrderId": "",
      "orderStatus": "NEW",
      "totalExecutedAmount": "0",
      "totalExecutedSize": "0",
      "postOnly": false,
      "stopPrice": "0",
      "size": "0.37",
      "price": "0.0332",
      "createdTime": 1545719695492,
      "timeInForce": "GTC"
  "count": 1,
  "totalCount": 1

Returns an array of orders; Pagination is supported. Data is returned in descending order of lastModifiedTime. Newest first, oldest last. Cancelled orders in the most recent 2 days are included, the older cancelled orders are not.

Weight: 5

Http request


PATH: /api/allOrders

Request Parameters

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
instrumentId String O If not provided, orders for all assets are returned
orderStatus Enum O If not provided, orders for all status are returned
pageNumber Integer O If not provided, it will use default page number of 1
pageSize Integer O If not provided, it will use default page size of 100

Success Response Body Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
totalCount Integer M
records Array of orders M
count Integer M

Record Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
orderId String M
lastModifiedTime Long M Timestamp of the last update on this order
instrumentId String M
orderType Enum M
price DoubleString M
size DoubleString M
side Enum M
timeInForce Enum M
createdTime Long M When the order was accepted
stopPrice DoubleString O
orderStatus Enum M
totalExecutedAmount DoubleString O Total executed amount
totalExecutedSize DoubleString O Total executed size
selfTradePrevention Enum M Default - CO
clientOrderId String O
fee DoubleString O


curl ""
-H "API-KEY: e4bdaf100dd50233dbe1b095337f30b6"
-H "API-SIGN: 105f2f99fd52b2c32455f1a4f32534a907005a729e606fc75b3867c94d8203a5"
-H "API-TIMESTAMP: 1546065657543"
-H "API-PASSCODE: apiPassphrase1"
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"GET", "", true);

Sample response:

  "records": [
      "side": "SELL",
      "size": "0.03",
      "orderId": "561b9649-316d-45d2-a704-d595889f0a6a",
      "instrumentId": "ETH-BTC",
      "price": "0.0325",
      "fee": "0.000975",
      "createdTime": 1545721629663,
      "tradeId": "2"
      "side": "BUY",
      "size": "0.3",
      "orderId": "3aeca730-0b5a-4727-9277-bac496e3fc22",
      "instrumentId": "ETH-BTC",
      "price": "0.0317",
      "fee": "0.00951",
      "createdTime": 1545721629614,
      "tradeId": "1"
  "count": 2,
  "totalCount": 2

Returns an array of fills; Pagination is supported. Data is returned in descending order. Newest first, oldest last.

Weight: 5

Http request


PATH: /api/fills

Request Parameters

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
instrumentId String O If not provided, fills for all instruments are returned
pageNumber Integer O If not provided, it will use default page number of 1
pageSize Integer O If not provided, it will use default page size of 100

Success Response Body Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
totalCount Integer M
records Array of record M
count Integer M

Record Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
createdTime Long M When the fill occured
tradeId String M
orderId String M
instrumentId String M
side Enum M
price DoubleString M
size DoubleString M
fee DoubleString M


curl ""
-H "API-KEY: e4bdaf100dd50233dbe1b095337f30b6"
-H "API-SIGN: 105f2f99fd52b2c32455f1a4f32534a907005a729e606fc75b3867c94d8203a5"
-H "API-TIMESTAMP: 1546065657543"
-H "API-PASSCODE: apiPassphrase1"
-H "Content-Type:application/json"
-d '{"amount":"1.01","address":"2N3EUjhfGFkwCrnoegehrQneskYhFiPJy96","asset":"BTC"}'
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"POST", "", true);
    var data = '{"amount":"1.01","address":"2N3EUjhfGFkwCrnoegehrQneskYhFiPJy96","asset":"BTC"}';

Sample response:

  "withdrawId": "94ba30a6-cac5-4270-bb85-e8aa9bed197f",
  "timestamp": 1545728118368

Http request


PATH: /api/withdrawals

Request Parameters

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
asset String M
amount String M
address String M bankId or cryto address

Success Response Body Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
withdrawId String M
timestamp Long M When the withdraw request was accepted


curl ""
-H "API-KEY: e4bdaf100dd50233dbe1b095337f30b6"
-H "API-SIGN: 105f2f99fd52b2c32455f1a4f32534a907005a729e606fc75b3867c94d8203a5"
-H "API-TIMESTAMP: 1546065657543"
-H "API-PASSCODE: apiPassphrase1"
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"GET", "", true);

Sample response:

  "records": [
      "transactionType": "TRADE_FEE",
      "amount": "-0.00951",
      "balance": "0.7385",
      "createdTime": 1545727187909,
      "asset": "BTC",
      "transactionId": "8d793ebd-d002-4c42-827a-bdfe11668d04",
      "referenceId": "ETH-BTC:2"
      "transactionType": "TRADE",
      "amount": "0.3",
      "balance": "37.67",
      "createdTime": 1545727187909,
      "asset": "ETH",
      "transactionId": "8d793ebd-d002-4c42-827a-bdfe11668d04",
      "referenceId": "ETH-BTC:2"
  "count": 2,
  "totalCount": 2

Weight: 5

Http request


PATH: /api/transactions

List all the account transactions that either increases or decreases the account balance and available balance. Pagination is supported.

Request Parameters

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
asset String O Return recent transactions for all assets
transactionType String O
referenceId String O
pageNumber Integer O If not provided, it will use default page number of 1
pageSize Integer O If not provided, it will use default page size of 100

Success Response Body Array Json Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
transactionId String M
asset String M
transactionType Enum M
amount DoubleString M Amount change triggered by the transaction.
balance DoubleString M
available DoubleString M
createdTime Long M
referenceId String M Reference id associated with the transaction. TRANSFER(txId) TRADE{tradeId) TRADE_FEE(tradeId) TRANSFER_FEE(txId)


curl ""
-H "API-KEY: e4bdaf100dd50233dbe1b095337f30b6"
-H "API-SIGN: 105f2f99fd52b2c32455f1a4f32534a907005a729e606fc75b3867c94d8203a5"
-H "API-TIMESTAMP: 1546065657543"
-H "API-PASSCODE: apiPassphrase1"
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"GET", "", true);

Sample response:

    "lastModifiedTime": 1545726627568,
    "balance": "37.67",
    "available": "26.468",
    "asset": "ETH"
    "lastModifiedTime": 1545726627570,
    "balance": "0",
    "available": "0",
    "asset": "XRP"
    "lastModifiedTime": 1545726627575,
    "balance": "0",
    "available": "0",
    "asset": "XMR"
    "lastModifiedTime": 1545726627565,
    "balance": "0.7385",
    "available": "0.673",
    "asset": "BTC"

Http request


PATH: /api/balances

Success Response Body Array Json Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
asset String M
balance DoubleString M Remaining balance in the asset
available DoubleString M available balance = balance - outstanding order size - outstanding withdraw request size
lastModifiedTime Long M

Profit and Loss

curl ""
-H "API-KEY: e4bdaf100dd50233dbe1b095337f30b6"
-H "API-SIGN: 105f2f99fd52b2c32455f1a4f32534a907005a729e606fc75b3867c94d8203a5"
-H "API-TIMESTAMP: 1546065657543"
-H "API-PASSCODE: apiPassphrase1"
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"GET", "", true);

Sample response:

    "lastModifiedTime": 1545727761975,
    "balance": "37.67",
    "previousDayPNL": "39.35",
    "costBasis": "4467.66",
    "realizedPNL": "634.64",
    "asset": "ETH",
    "pnlBaseAsset": "USD"

Http request


PATH: /api/pnls

List all the pnls for each holding asset.

Success Response Body Array Json Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
asset String M
pnlBaseAsset String M Base asset used to calculate the pnl
balance DoubleString M Current asset balance
costBasis DoubleString M Total ost basis in base asset term
previousDayPNL DoubleString M Previous day pnl in base asset term
realizedPNL DoubleString M Realized pnl in base asset term
lastModifiedTime Long M

Websocket Public

Ticker Channel

function WebSocketCall() {
    var ws = new WebSocket("wss://");

    ws.onopen = function () {
        var data = '{"type": "subscribe","channel": "ticker","instrumentIds": ["ETH/BTC","XRP/BTC"]}';

    ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
        var received_msg =;

Sample data:

  "type": "subscribe",
  "channel": "ticker",
  "instrumentIds": [
  "type": "subscribed",
  "channel": "ticker",
  "instrumentIds": [
  "timestamp": 1546414351695
  "type": "ticker",
  "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
  "timestamp": 1546414339719,
  "lastPrice": "0.03811",
  "bestBid": "0.03814",
  "bestAsk": "0.03815",
  "24hHigh": "0.03811",
  "24hLow": "0.03662",
  "24hVolume": "753.235",
  "24hChange": "0.00145",
  "sequence": 1

Ticker data with 24h market statistics is pushed every second.

Request Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribe/unsubscribe M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel ticker M
userMessageId Integer O Unique message id for this websocket session
instrumentIds Array of instrumentId Strings M

Response Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribed/unsubscribed M Subscribed/Unsubscribed message type
channel ticker M
timestamp Long M Request accepted time
instrumentIds Array of instrumentId Strings M
userMessageId Integer (M) Mandatory if userMessageId is provided in the user request

Channel Fields:

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type ticker M
timestamp Long M Ticker created time
instrumentId String M e.g. "BTCUSD"
lastPrice DoubleString M
bestBid DoubleString M
bestAsk DoubleString M
24hHigh DoubleString M
24hLow DoubleString M
24hVolume DoubleString M
24hChange DoubleString M
sequence Long M

Order Book Channel

function WebSocketCall() {
    var ws = new WebSocket("wss://");

    ws.onopen = function () {
        var data = '{"type": "subscribe","channel": "orderBook","depth": 25,"instrumentIds": "ETH/BTC"]}';

    ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
        var received_msg =;

Sample data:

  "type": "subscribe",
  "channel": "orderBook",
  "depth": 25,
  "instrumentIds": [
  "type": "subscribed",
  "channel": "orderBook",
  "timestamp": 1546414351648,
  "depth": 25,
  "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
  "sequence": 1,
  "bids": [
  "asks": [
  "type": "orderBook",
  "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
  "timestamp": 1546414338870,
  "sequence": 2,
  "bids": [
  "asks": [

Request Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribe/unsubscribe M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel orderBook M
depth Integer O Default to 25
instrumentIds Array of instrumentId Strings M
userMessageId Integer O Unique message id for this websocket session

Response Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribed/unsubscribed M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel orderBook M
timestamp Long M When subscription request was accepted
depth Integer M
instrumentId instrumentId String M
sequence Long M
bids Array of [price, size, numOfOrders] M Snapshot of bids with the aggregated size for each price level
asks Array of [price, size, numOfOrders] M Snapshot of asks with the aggregated size for each price level
userMessageId Integer (M) Mandatory if userMessageId is provided in the user request

Channel Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type orderBook M
timestamp Long M order book update time
instrumentId String M
sequence Long M
bids Array of [price, size, numOfOrders] M Update of bids with the aggregated size for the updated price level
asks Array of [price, size, numOfOrders] M Update of asks with the aggregated size for the updated price level

Full Order Book Channel

function WebSocketCall() {
    var ws = new WebSocket("wss://");

    ws.onopen = function () {
        var data = '{"type": "subscribe", "channel": "fullOrderBook", "instrumentIds": ["ETH/BTC"]}';

    ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
        var received_msg =;

Sample data:

  "type": "subscribe",
  "channel": "fullOrderBook",
  "instrumentIds": [
  "type": "subscribed",
  "channel": "fullOrderBook",
  "timestamp": 1546414351648,
  "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
  "sequence": 1,
  "bids": [
      "6b742a26-5dfb-423f-84de-48182b85c343 "
  "asks": [
  "type": "fullOrderBook",
  "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
  "timestamp": 1546414338870,
  "sequence": 2,
  "bids": [
  "asks": [

Request Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribe/unsubscribe M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel fullOrderBook M
instrumentIds Array of instrumentId Strings M
userMessageId Integer O Unique message id for this websocket session

Response Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribed/unsubscribed M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel fullOrderBook M
timestamp Long M When the subscription was accepted
instrumentId instrumentId String M
sequence Long M
bids Array of [price, size, orderId] M Snapshot of buy orders
asks Array of [price, size, orderId] M Snapshot of sell orders
userMessageId Integer (M) Mandatory if userMessageId is provided in the user request

Channel Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type fullOrderBook M
timestamp Long M order book update time
instrumentId String M
sequence Long M
bids Array of [price, size, orderId] M Update of buy orders
asks Array of [price, size, orderId] M Update of sell orders

Trade Channel

function WebSocketCall() {
    var ws = new WebSocket("wss://");

    ws.onopen = function () {
        var data = '{"type": "subscribe", "channel": "trade", "instrumentIds": ["ETH/BTC"]}';

    ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
        var received_msg =;

Sample Data

  "type": "subscribe",
  "channel": "trade",
  "instrumentIds": [
  "type": "subscribed",
  "channel": "trade",
  "instrumentIds": [
  "timestamp": 1546414344440
  "type": "trade",
  "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
  "timestamp": 1546414338729,
  "tradeId": "480252",
  "price": "0.03811",
  "size": "0.022",
  "side": "SELL",
  "sequence": 1

trade data is pushed whenever a trade occurs in the system.

Request Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribe/unsubscribe M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel trade M
instrumentIds Array of instrumentId Strings M
userMessageId Integer O Unique message id for this websocket session

Response Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribed/unsubscribe M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel trade M
timestamp Long M When the subscription request was accepted
instrumentIds Array of instrumentId Strings M
userMessageId Integer (M) Mandatory if userMessageId is provided in the user request

Channel Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type trade M
timestamp Long M Trade time
instrumentId String M
tradeId String M
price DoubleString M
size DoubleString M
side Enum M Buy/Sell
sequence Long M

Charts Channel

function WebSocketCall() {
    var ws = new WebSocket("wss://");

    ws.onopen = function () {
        var data = '{"type": "subscribe", "channel": "charts", "instrumentIds": ["ETH/BTC"], "granularity": 900}';

    ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
        var received_msg =;

Sample data:

  "type": "subscribe",
  "channel": "charts",
  "instrumentIds": [
  "granularity": 900
  "type": "subscribed",
  "channel": "charts",
  "timestamp": 1546414351696,
  "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
  "granularity": 900,
  "records": [
  "type": "charts",
  "timestamp": 1546415100061,
  "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
  "granularity": 900,
  "update": [

Request Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribe/unsubscribe M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel charts M
instrumentIds Array of instrumentId Strings M
granularity Integer M
userMessageId Integer O Unique message id for this websocket session

Response Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribed/unsubscribed M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel charts M
timestamp Long M When the subscription request was accepted
instrumentId String M
granularity Integer M
userMessageId Integer (M) Mandatory if userMessageId is provided in the user request
records Array of [startTime,open,close,low,high,volume] M

The first charts message will contain the array of historical data entries with the maximum size of 300.

Channel Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type charts M
timestamp Long M Chart update time
instrumentId String M
granularity Integer M
update [startTime,open,close,low,high,volume] M

Websocket Private

In order to receive the data on authenticated channels, the websocket session needs to be authenticated first by calling authenticate. Unlike rest requests, the method and path provided by the generated apisign are null.

All requests need to provide the request time in seconds and must be within 5 seconds of the server time or your request will be considered expired and rejected. To change 5 second expiry, user can set expiry to the desired seconds.

Authenticate Channel

function WebSocketCall() {
    var ws = new WebSocket("wss://");

    ws.onopen = function () {
        var authentication = '{"type": "authenticate", "timestamp": 1546495887996, "apiKey": "eccd478408970b5359652052b901c22b", "signature": "2367359ea414228956f50613b30f841c47aa0f47c472c484e56ec20cbdcbbcfb", "passcode": "Password1!"}';

    ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
        var received_msg =;

Sample data:

  "type": "authenticate",
  "timestamp": 1546495887996,
  "apiKey": "eccd478408970b5359652052b901c22b",
  "signature": "2367359ea414228956f50613b30f841c47aa0f47c472c484e56ec20cbdcbbcfb",
  "passcode": "Password1!"
  "type": "authenticated",
  "timestamp": 1546495888349

Request Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type authenticate M
timestamp Long M current time in milliseconds from UNIX EPOCH
apiKey String M
signature String M Generated by creating a sha256 HMAC using the base64-encoded secret key on the prehash string timestamp + "authenticate" (where + represents string concatenation) and hex-encode the output.
passcode String M
userMessageId Integer O Unique message id for this websocket session
expiry Integer O Seconds for the authenticated channel requests to expire

Response Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type authenticated M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
timestamp Long M When authentication is accepted
userMessageId Integer (M) Mandatory if userMessageId is provided in the user request

Order Update Channel

function WebSocketCall() {
    var ws = new WebSocket("wss://");

    ws.onopen = function () {
        var authentication = '{"type": "authenticate", "timestamp": 1546495887996, "apiKey": "eccd478408970b5359652052b901c22b", "signature": "2367359ea414228956f50613b30f841c47aa0f47c472c484e56ec20cbdcbbcfb", "passcode": "Password1!"}';
        var data = '{"channel": "orderUpdate", "type": "subscribe", "instrumentIds": ["ETH/BTC"]}';

    ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
        var received_msg =;

Sample data:

  "channel": "orderUpdate",
  "type": "subscribe",
  "instrumentIds": [
  "type": "subscribed",
  "channel": "orderUpdate",
  "timestamp": 1546498910967,
  "instrumentIds": [
  "openOrders": [
      "selfTradePrevention": "CO",
      "orderType": "LIMIT",
      "side": "BUY",
      "lastModifiedTime": 1546498739286,
      "orderId": "f97800d3-94d3-4176-9be2-0953fbf58aff",
      "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
      "fee": "0",
      "clientOrderId": "",
      "orderStatus": "NEW",
      "totalExecutedAmount": "0",
      "totalExecutedSize": "0",
      "postOnly": false,
      "stopPrice": "0",
      "size": "2.56",
      "price": "0.03956",
      "createdTime": 1546498739285,
      "timeInForce": "GTC"
  "type": "orderUpdate",
  "timestamp": 1546498739285,
  "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
  "orderId": "f97800d3-94d3-4176-9be2-0953fbf58aff",
  "orderType": "LIMIT",
  "price": "0.03956",
  "size": "2.56",
  "side": "BUY",
  "createdTime": 1546498739285,
  "orderStatus": "CANCELLED",
  "selfTradePrevention": "CO",
  "postLiquidity": true,
  "fee": "0",
  "totalExecutedAmount": "0",
  "cancelReason": "USER_CANCEL",
  "sequence": 1

Request Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribe M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel orderUpdate M
instrumentIds Array of instrumentId Strings O Subscribe/Unsubscribe all instruments by default
numberOfSnapshotRecords Integer O Max recent number of open orders returned. All open orders will be returned if not specified.
userMessageId Integer O Unique message id for this websocket session

Response Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribed M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel orderUpdate M
timestamp Long M When the subscription request was accepted
instrumentIds Array of instrumentId Strings O Subscribed/Unsubscribed for all instruments by default
openOrders Array of orders Json Fields M
userMessageId Integer (M) Mandatory if userMessageId is provided in the user request

Channel Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type orderUpdate M
timestamp Long M Order update time
orderId String M
instrumentId String M
orderType Enum M
price DoubleString M
size DoubleString M
side Enum M
createdTime Long M
stopPrice DoubleString O
orderStatus Enum M
tradeId String O Available when the current update is a trade
executedSize DoubleString O Available when the current update is a trade
executedPrice DoubleString O Available when the current update is a trade
totalExecutedAmount DoubleString O Total executed amount of all fills in this order
totalExecutedSize DoubleString O Total executed size of all fills in this order
postLiquidity Boolean O True - order rest in the book initially
selfTradePrevention Enum M
clientOrderId String O
cancelReason Enum O Provided when order is cancelled
fee DoubleString O Available when the current update is a trade
sequence Long M

Account Update Channel

function WebSocketCall() {
    var ws = new WebSocket("wss://");

    ws.onopen = function () {
        var authentication = '{"type": "authenticate", "timestamp": 1546495887996, "apiKey": "eccd478408970b5359652052b901c22b", "signature": "2367359ea414228956f50613b30f841c47aa0f47c472c484e56ec20cbdcbbcfb", "passcode": "Password1!"}';
        var data = '{"assets": ["ETH"], "channel": "accountUpdate", "type": "subscribe"}';

    ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
        var received_msg =;

Sample data:

  "assets": [
  "channel": "accountUpdate",
  "type": "subscribe"
  "type": "subscribed",
  "timestamp": 1546499784,
  "channel": "accountUpdate",
  "assets": [
  "balances": [
      "lastModifiedTime": 1544680997349,
      "balance": "97.59900000",
      "available": "97.499",
      "asset": "ETH"
  "type": "accountUpdate",
  "timestamp": 1546499819682,
  "updateReason": "NEW_ORDER",
  "balances": [
      "balance": "97.599",
      "asset": "ETH",
      "availableBalance": "95.199"
  "referenceId": "2906709c-8155-4fa5-ad3c-aa186d481a1a",
  "sequence": 1

Request Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribe M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel accountUpdate M
assets Array of asset Strings O Subscribe for all currencies by default
userMessageId Integer O Unique message id for this websocket session

Response Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribed M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel accountUpdate M
timestamp Long M When the subscription request is accepted
assets Array of asset Strings O
balances Array of account balances (asset, balance, availableBalance) M
userMessageId Integer (M) Mandatory if userMessageId is provided in the user request

Channel Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type accountUpdate M
timestamp Long M Account update time
updateReason Enum M
balances Array of account balances (asset, balance, availableBalance) M
referenceId String M NEW_ORDER-orderId; TRADE-tradeId; PENDING_WITHDRAW-withdrawId; TRANSFER-txId
sequence Long M

PNL Update Channel

function WebSocketCall() {
    var ws = new WebSocket("wss://");

    ws.onopen = function () {
        var authentication = '{"type": "authenticate", "timestamp": 1546495887996, "apiKey": "eccd478408970b5359652052b901c22b", "signature": "2367359ea414228956f50613b30f841c47aa0f47c472c484e56ec20cbdcbbcfb", "passcode": "Password1!"}';
        var data = '{"channel": "pnlUpdate", "type": "subscribe"}';

    ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
        var received_msg =;

Sample data:

  "channel": "pnlUpdate",
  "type": "subscribe"
  "type": "subscribed",
  "channel": "pnlUpdate",
  "timestamp": 1546503078686,
  "pnls": [
      "balance": "0.02140386",
      "previousDayPNL": "-1.15",
      "costBasis": "84.43",
      "realizedPNL": "0.00",
      "asset": "BTC",
      "pnlBaseAsset": "USD"
      "balance": "99.63100000",
      "previousDayPNL": "5092.24",
      "costBasis": "10285.78",
      "realizedPNL": "84.66",
      "asset": "ETH",
      "pnlBaseAsset": "USD"
  "type": "pnlUpdate",
  "timestamp": 1546503078686,
  "balance": "99.63100000",
  "previousDayPNL": "5092.24",
  "costBasis": "10285.78",
  "realizedPNL": "84.66",
  "asset": "ETH",
  "pnlBaseAsset": "USD"

We consider all receives as bought events at the receipt time and all sends as sold events at the sent time. As such, the numbers here WILL NOT BE ACCURATE if you have sent digital assets to other platforms.

Request Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribe M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel pnlUpdate M
userMessageId Integer O Unique message id for this websocket session

Response Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribed M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel pnlUpdate M
timestamp Long M When the subscription request is accepted
pnls Array of pnl Json M Reference fields in rest GET pnls section
userMessageId Integer (M) Mandatory if userMessageId is provided in the user request

Channel Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type pnlUpdate M
timestamp Long M PNL update time
asset String M
pnlBaseAsset String M Base asset used to calculate the pnl
balance DoubleString M Current asset balance
costBasis DoubleString M Total ost basis in base asset term
previousDayPNL DoubleString M Previous day pnl in base asset term
realizedPNL DoubleString M Realized pnl in base asset term

Consolidated Feed REST

Base endpoint:

Feed Data Sources

curl ""
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"GET", "", true);

Sample response:

        "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
        "dataSources": [

Get data sources of consolidated feed

Http request


PATH: /api/dataSources

Request Parameters

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
instrumentId String O

Success Response Body Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
instrumentId String M e.g. BTCUSD
dataSources Array of dataSource M e.g. [COINBASE_PRO, BITSTAMP, BITFINEX]

Feed Ticker

curl ""
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"GET", "", true);

Sample response:

    "24hLow": "0.0314",
    "24hVolume": "33113.85823278",
    "lastModifiedTime": 1545996511335,
    "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
    "24hHigh": "0.03327",
    "24hChange": "-0.00082",
    "dataSource": "CONSOLIDATED",
    "lastPrice": "0.03245"

Http request


PATH: /api/ticker

Request Parameters

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
instrumentId String M e.g. "ETHBTC"
dataSource Enum M e.g. "CONSOLIDATED"

Success Response Body Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
instrumentId String M e.g. "ETHBTC"
dataSource Enum M
lastModifiedTime Long M
lastPrice DoubleString M
24hHigh DoubleString M
24hLow DoubleString M
24hVolume DoubleString M
24hChange DoubleString M

Feed All Tickers

curl ""
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"GET", "", true);

Sample response:

        "24hLow": "0.0314",
        "24hVolume": "33113.85823278",
        "lastModifiedTime": 1545996511335,
        "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
        "24hHigh": "0.03327",
        "24hChange": "-0.00082",
        "dataSource": "CONSOLIDATED",
        "lastPrice": "0.03245"

Http request


PATH: /api/allTickers

Request Parameters

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
dataSource Enum M e.g. "CONSOLIDATED"

Success Response Body Array Json Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
instrumentId String M e.g. "ETHBTC"
dataSource Enum M
lastModifiedTime Long M
lastPrice DoubleString M
24hHigh DoubleString M
24hLow DoubleString M
24hVolume DoubleString M
24hChange DoubleString M

Feed Order Book

curl ""
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"GET", "", true);

Sample response:

    "dataSource": "CONSOLIDATED",
    "sequence": "5",
    "lastModifiedTime": 1545734172781,
    "bookLevel": 1,
    "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
    "asks": [
            "size": "0.0752",
            "price": "59.0",
            "numOfOrders": 0
            "size": "1000.0",
            "price": "50.0",
            "numOfOrders": 0
            "size": "0.01",
            "price": "39.59",
            "numOfOrders": 0
    "bids": [
            "size": "100.49862944",
            "price": "0.03236",
            "numOfOrders": 0
            "size": "1.232",
            "price": "0.03235",
            "numOfOrders": 0
            "size": "14.22706801",
            "price": "0.03234",
            "numOfOrders": 0

Weight: 5

Http request


PATH: /api/orderbook

Request Parameters

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
instrumentId String M
level Integer M 1 - top bid and ask; 2 - order book;
dataSource Enum M e.g. "CONSOLIDATED"

Success Response Body Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
instrumentId String M
dataSource Enum M e.g. "CONSOLIDATED"
lastModifiedTime Long M
level Integer M 1/2
sequence Long M
bids Array of [price, size, numOfOrders/orderId] M Level 1 - This is one sized array;Level 2 - The aggregated size for each price level is returned with numOfOrders count for the price;Level
asks Array of [price, size, numOfOrders/orderId] M Level 1 - This is one sized array;Level 2 - The aggregated size for each price level is returned with numOfOrders count for the price;Level

Feed Trades

curl ""
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"GET", "", true);

Sample response:

        "side": "SELL",
        "size": "45.12434133",
        "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
        "price": "0.03241",
        "createdTime": 1545998177713,
        "dataSource": "COINBASE_PRO"
        "side": "SELL",
        "size": "0.0179406",
        "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
        "price": "0.03241",
        "createdTime": 1545998177713,
        "dataSource": "COINBASE_PRO"
        "side": "SELL",
        "size": "0.0179406",
        "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
        "price": "0.03241",
        "createdTime": 1545998177713,
        "dataSource": "COINBASE_PRO"

Returns most recent trades in an array.

Http request


PATH: /api/trades

Request Parameters

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
instrumentId String M
dataSource Enum M e.g. "CONSOLIDATED"

Success Response Body Array Json Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
instrumentId String M
dataSource Enum M e.g. "CONSOLIDATED"
createdTime Long M
tradeId String M
price DoubleString M
size DoubleString M
side Enum M

Feed Charts

curl ""
function request() {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () {
        if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
            return this.responseText;
    });"GET", "", true);

Sample response:

        "volume": "1.0567541",
        "high": "0.03244",
        "low": "0.03242",
        "openPrice": "0.03242",
        "startTime": 1545998220000,
        "endTime": 1545998330000,
        "lastModifiedTime": 1545998230000,
        "closePrice": "0.03244",
        "dataSource": "COINBASE_PRO"
        "volume": "45.22106593",
        "high": "0.03241",
        "low": "0.03241",
        "openPrice": "0.03241",
        "startTime": 1545998160000,
        "endTime": 1545998330000,
        "lastModifiedTime": 1545998230000,
        "closePrice": "0.03241",
        "dataSource": "COINBASE_PRO"
        "volume": "0.2743248",
        "high": "0.0324",
        "low": "0.0324",
        "openPrice": "0.0324",
        "startTime": 1545998100000,
        "endTime": 1545998330000,
        "lastModifiedTime": 1545998230000,
        "closePrice": "0.0324",
        "dataSource": "COINBASE_PRO"

It returns an array of data point stats.

Http request


PATH: /api/charts

Request Parameters

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
instrumentId String M
dataSource Enum M e.g. "CONSOLIDATED"
startTime Long M Seconds since Unix Epoch
endTime Long O Seconds since Unix Epoch
granularity Integer M In seconds; 60/300/900/3600/21600/86400;The combination of startTime, endTime and granularity determines how many data points obtained. The maximum supported number of data points is xxx

Success Response Body Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
lastModifiedTime Long O
dataSource Enum M e.g. "CONSOLIDATED"
startTime Long M
openPrice String M
closePrice String M
low String M
high String M
volume String M

Base endpoint: wss://

Consolidated Feed Websocket

Feed Data Sources Channel

function WebSocketCall() {
    var ws = new WebSocket("wss://");

    ws.onopen = function () {
        var data = '{"type": "subscribe", "channel": "dataSource", "instrumentIds": ["ETH/BTC", "XLM/BTC", "XMR/BTC", "XRP/BTC"]}';

    ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
        var received_msg =;

Sample data:

  "type": "subscribe",
  "channel": "dataSource",
  "instrumentIds": [
  "type": "subscribed",
  "channel": "dataSource",
  "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
  "dataSources": [
  "timestamp": 1546506477512
  "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
  "type": "dataSource",
  "dataSource": [
  "timestamp": 1546509059461197

Request Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribe/unsubscribe M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel dataSource M
instrumentIds Array of instrumentId Strings M
userMessageId Integer O Unique message id for this websocket session

Response Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribe/unsubscribe M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel dataSource M
instrumentId instrumentId String M
dataSources Array of Enum M
userMessageId Integer (M) Mandatory if userMessageId is provided in the user request

Channel Fields:

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type dataSource M
instrumentId String M e.g. "BTC/USD"
dataSources Array of Enum M
timestamp Long M data source update time

Feed Ticker Channel

function WebSocketCall() {
    var ws = new WebSocket("wss://");

    ws.onopen = function () {
        var data = '{"type": "subscribe", "channel": "ticker", "instrumentIds": ["ETH/BTC", "XLM/BTC", "XMR/BTC", "XRP/BTC"]}';

    ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
        var received_msg =;

Sample data:

  "type": "subscribe",
  "channel": "ticker",
  "instrumentIds": [
  "type": "subscribed",
  "channel": "ticker",
  "instrumentIds": [
  "timestamp": 1546508497272
  "type": "ticker",
  "dataSource": "BITSTAMP",
  "timestamp": 1546508495096,
  "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
  "lastPrice": "0.03872964",
  "24hHigh": "0.04",
  "24hLow": "0.0382027",
  "24hVolume": "4953.03785251",
  "24hChange": "0.00024413"

Ticker data with 24h market statistics is pushed every 5 seconds

Request Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribe/unsubscribe M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel ticker M
dataSource Enum O Subscribe/Unsubscribe all data sources by default including "CONSOLIDATED" ticker price
userMessageId Integer O Unique message id for this websocket session
instrumentIds Array of instrumentId Strings M

Response Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribed/unsubscribed M Subscribed/Unsubscribed message type
channel ticker M
dataSource Enum M
timestamp Long M Request accepted time
instrumentIds Array of instrumentId Strings M
userMessageId Integer (M) Mandatory if userMessageId is provided in the user request

Channel Fields:

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type ticker M
dataSource Enum M
timestamp Long M Ticker created time
instrumentId String M e.g. "BTCUSD"
lastPrice DoubleString M
24hHigh DoubleString M
24hLow DoubleString M
24hVolume DoubleString M
24hChange DoubleString M

Feed Order Book Channel

function WebSocketCall() {
    var ws = new WebSocket("wss://");

    ws.onopen = function () {
        var data = '{"type": "subscribe", "channel": "orderBook", "depth": 50, "instrumentIds": ["ETH/BTC"]}';

    ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
        var received_msg =;

Sample data:

  "type": "subscribe",
  "channel": "orderBook",
  "depth": 50,
  "instrumentIds": [
  "type": "subscribed",
  "channel": "orderBook",
  "timestamp": 1546511253719,
  "dataSource": "COINBASE_PRO",
  "depth": 50,
  "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
  "bids": [
  "type": "orderBook",
  "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
  "timestamp": 1546511328,
  "dataSource": "GEMINI",
  "bids": [
  "asks": []

Request Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribe/unsubscribe M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel orderBook M
dataSource Enum O Subscribe/Unsubscribe all exchange data sources by default
depth Integer O Default to 25
instrumentIds Array of instrumentId Strings M
userMessageId Integer O Unique message id for this websocket session

Response Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribed/unsubscribed M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel orderBook M
dataSource Enum M
timestamp Long M When subscription request was accepted
depth Integer M
instrumentId instrumentId String M
bids Array of [price, size] M Snapshot of bids with the aggregated size for each price level
asks Array of [price, size] M Snapshot of asks with the aggregated size for each price level
userMessageId Integer (M) Mandatory if userMessageId is provided in the user request

Channel Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type orderBook M
timestamp Long M order book update time
instrumentId String M
dataSource Enum M
bids Array of [price, size] M Update of bids with the aggregated size for the updated price level
asks Array of [price, size] M Update of asks with the aggregated size for the updated price level

Feed Trade Channel

function WebSocketCall() {
    var ws = new WebSocket("wss://");

    ws.onopen = function () {
        var data = '{"type": "subscribe", "channel": "trade", "instrumentIds": ["ETH/BTC"]}';

    ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
        var received_msg =;

Sample data:

  "type": "subscribe",
  "channel": "trade",
  "instrumentIds": [
  "type": "subscribed",
  "channel": "trade",
  "instrumentIds": [
  "timestamp": 1546514515204
  "type": "trade",
  "instrumentId": "ETH/BTC",
  "timestamp": 1546514515175,
  "dataSource": "COINBASE_PRO",
  "price": "0.03853",
  "size": "0.01",
  "side": "SELL"

trade data is pushed whenever a trade occurs in the system.

Request Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribe/unsubscribe M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel trade M
dataSource Enum O Subscribe/Unsubscribe all exchange data sources by default
instrumentIds Array of instrumentId Strings M
userMessageId Integer O Unique message id for this websocket session

Response Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type subscribed/unsubscribe M Subscribe/Unsubscribe message type
channel trade M
dataSource Enum M
timestamp Long M When the subscription request was accepted
instrumentIds Array of instrumentId Strings M
userMessageId Integer (M) Mandatory if userMessageId is provided in the user request

Channel Fields

Name Type(value) Mandatory Description
type trade M
timestamp Long M Trade time
instrumentId String M
dataSource Enum M
tradeId String M
price DoubleString M
size DoubleString M
side Enum M Buy/Sell



Order Status Description
PENDING_NEW New order has been accepted
NEW New order has been booked
PARTIAL_FILLED Order is partially filled
FILLED Order is fully filled
PENDING_CANCEL Order cancel request has been accepted
CANCELLED Order has been cancelled and removed from book


Time in Force Description
GTC Good till cancelled orders remain in the book until cancelled or filled.
IOC Immediate or cancel orders must be executed instantly and any unfilled parts of the order are cancelled.
FOK Fill or kill orders are rejected if the entire size can not be matched.


Side Description
BUY Buy order indicator
SELL Sell order indicator


Self Trade Prevention Description
CO Cancel older order in the book
CN Cancel new order
CB Cancel both orders


Order Type Description
LIMIT Limit orders require specifying a price and size
MARKET Market orders provide no pricing guarantees. They execute immediatly and no part of the market order will go on the orer book.
STOP_LOSS (TBA) A market order is placed when the last price moves to the value at or below the stop price. The trade may happen at the worse price than stop price.
STOP_LOSS_LIMIT (TBA) A limit order is placed when the last price moves to the value at or below the stop price.
STOP_ENTRY (TBA) A market order is placed when the last price moves to the value at or above the stop price. The trade may happen at the worse price than stop price.
STOP_ENTRY_LIMIT (TBA) A limit order is placed when the last price moves to the value at or above the stop price.


Instrument Type Description


Order Cancel Reason Description
USER_CANCEL The order is cancelled by user.
NO_LIQUIDITY Market order or IOC order cancelled remaining by system.
SELF_TRADE The order is cancelled due to self trade prevention.
POST_ONLY The post only order is taking liquidity, cancelled by system.
INSUFFICIENT_LIQUIDITY The FOK order cannot fully trade, cancelled by system.
TOTAL_EXECUTED_SIZE_MORE_THAN_MAX_SIZE The MARKET BUY order executed more than maxOrderSize, cancelled by system.
INSUFFICIENT_QUOTE_AMOUNT The MARKET BUY order quoteAmount too small, cancelled by system.
INACTIVE_INSTRUMENT The instrument status is INACTIVE, cancelled by system.
EXCEED_BALANCE The MARKET order exceed balance, cancelled by system.


Account Update Reason Description
NEW_ORDER The account update that is triggered by new order.
PENDING_WITHDRAW The account update that is triggered by pending withdraw.
TRADE The account update that is triggered by trade.
TRANSFER The account update that is triggered by completed transfer.


Transaction Type Description
TRADE The account transaction entry triggered by TRADE.
TRANSFER The account transaction entry triggered by TRANSFER.
TRADE_FEE The account transaction entry triggered by TRADE_FEE.
TRANSFER_FEE The account transaction entry triggered by TRANSFER_FEE.


Apikey Authority Description
ACCOUNT_VIEW The authority of apikey for accounts read related url access.
TRADE_VIEW The authority of apikey for trades read related url access.
TRADE The authority of apikey for trades related url access.
WITHDRAW The authority of apikey for withdraw url access.


Two Factor Authorization Description
LOGIN The login url that need two factor code authentication
UPDATE_PROFILE The update profile url that need two factor code authentication
TRADE The trade realted urls that need two factor code authentication
TRANSFER The transfer related urls that need two factor code authentication


Logged Out Reason Description
NORMAL_LOGOUT User initiates the logout
NEW_SESSION_INIT User starts a new login session
USER_DISABLED User is disabled
SYSTEM_LOGOUT System logs out the user
RESET_PASSWORD User is logged out due to password reset


Withdrawal Status Description
PENDING The initial withdrawal request status
IN_PROGRESS Withdrawal request is being processed
UNCONFIRMED Coin withdrawal request has been broadcast to network, but is not confirmed
COMPLETED Coin withdrawal request has been confirmed
CANCELLED Withdrawal request has been cancelled


Data Source Description
CONSOLIDATED Consolidated data
COINBASE_PRO Coinbase pro exchange data
BITSTAMP Bitstamp exchange data
BITFINEX Bitfinex exchange data
GEMINI Gemini exchange data
KRAKEN Kraken exchange data

Error Codes

Error Code Description
EXCEED_BALANCE Insufficient balance for the new order.
ALREADY_DONE The order is already cancelled or fully filled.
ALREADY_PENDING_CANCEL The order is already in pending cancel state.
INVALID_INSTRUMENT The instrumentId is invalid or has been disabled
SIZE_LESS_THAN_MIN_SIZE The order size is less than the minOrderSize of the instrument.
SIZE_MORE_THAN_MAX_SIZE The order size is more than the maxOrderSize of the instrument.
SIZE_NOT_DIVISIBLE_BY_LOT_SIZE The order size is either too high or too low and not in the multiples of the instrument.
PRICE_NOT_DIVISIBLE_BY_TICK_SIZE The order price is not divisible by the tickSize of the instrument.
INVALID_ORDER_SIDE The side is invalid.
INVALID_ORDER_STATUS The orderStatus is invalid.
UNIQUE_ORDER_ID_REQUIRED Neither orderId nor clientOrderId is provided.
INVALID_INSTRUMENT_STATUS Request is not allowed in current instrument status.
QUOTE_AMOUNT_REQUIRED The orderType is MARKET and side is BUY but quoteAmount is not provided.
SIZE_REQUIRED The orderType is MARKET and side is SELL but size is not provided.
PRICE_LESS_THAN_MIN_PRICE The order price is less than the minOrderPrice of the instrument.
PRICE_MORE_THAN_MAX_PRICE The order price is more than the maxOrderPrice of the instrument.
PENDING_BALANCE_ADJUSTMENT Pending balance adjustment from previous order or account action.
ORDER_SERVICE_NOT_ENABLED The order service is not enabled.
SIZE_OR_QUOTE_AMOUNT_REQUIRED The orderType is MARKET and neither size nor quoteAmount is provided.
API_BAD_REQUEST, Bad request that contains either invalid fields or invalid field values
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, Internal server error.
API_CALL_UNAUTHORIZED, The api call is not authenticated.
TWO_FACTOR_UNAUTHORIZED, Need two factor authentication.
INVALID_EMAIL_FORMAT, The email provided by the user is valid.
INVALID_USERNAME_FORMAT, The user name provided by the user is invalid.
INVALID_OLD_PASSWORD, The password provided by user to reset password is invalid.
BAD_PASSWORD, Password format dosen't meet the requirement.
EMAIL_IN_USE, The email is registered by other user.
USERNAME_IN_USE, The username is registered by other user.
USER_REGISTRATION_UNCONFIRMED, The user has registered but not confirmed.
USER_REGISTRATION_HAS_BEEN_CONFIRMED, The user has been confirmed already.
USER_DISABLED, The user is disabled.
USER_AUTH_BAD_CREDENTIALS, The credentials provided by user is invalid.
PASSWORD_SAME_TO_PREVIOUS, Cannot set the password same to previous.
USER_NOT_EXIST, User not exist.
TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_NOT_ACTIVATED, Must activate two factor auth to proceed two factor actions.
TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_HAS_ACTIVATED, Two factor auth has been activated, please don't do it again.
INVALID_USERACCOUNT_NAME_FORMAT, The user account name provided by user is invalid.
USERACCOUNT_NAME_IN_USE, The user account name has been taken.
USER_MAIN_ACCOUNT_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWED, Cannot delete the user main account.
USER_MAIN_ACCOUNT_HAS_EXISTED, Cannot create user main account cause the user already has one.
USERACCOUNT_DELETE_NOT_ALLOW, User account deletion is not allowed.
USERACCOUNT_DISABLED, The user account is disabled.
USERACCOUNT_NOT_EXIST, Can't find the user account with the provided credentials.
APIKEY_NOT_EXIST, Cannot find the apikey with the provided credentials.
APIKEY_DISABLED, The apikey is disabled.
BAD_PASSCODE, The apikey passcode is invalid.
INVALID_AUTHORITIES The authorities is invalid.
INVALID_TWO_FACTOR_AUTHORIZATION Invalid two factor authentication.
INVALID_INSTRUMENT_ID The instrument id is invalid.
INSTRUMENT_INACTIVED The instrument id in inactivated.
INVALID_TWO_FACTOR_CODE Invalid two factor authentication code.
INVALID_RESET_PASSWORD_LINK The reset password link is expired or invalid.
EXCEED_MAX_WITHDRAWAL_LIMIT_PER_DAY Exceed max withdrawal limit per day.
EXCEED_MAX_WITHDRAWAL_LIMIT Exceed max withdrawal limit.
WITHDRAW_AMOUNT_TOO_SMALL Less than min withdraw limit.
WITHDRAW_ID_NOT_EXIST Cancel withdraw request withdraw id not exist.
WITHDRAW_ALREADY_PROCESSED Cancel withdraw request but withdraw already not pending status.
INVALID_ASSET Invalid asset.
UNSUPPORTED_DATA_SOURCE Unsupported data source
USER_IS_READ_ONLY User is read only